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Hi Goran,

Am 12.06.2011 17:38, schrieb Goran Rakic:
I would like to make a request for the creation of a new local website. 
Website name 
My registration mail is, username is grakic
Subsite is setup and subsite admin permissions for you at

There is a requirement of having both Cyrillic and Latin version of a
site available, as seen on the -> /click
"srpski (latinicom)" in the navigation header/.

At the old site this is done by making a copy of each page in the
"/lat/" directory and using a short Javascript code to switch links.

Is there a possibility to add automatic transliteration feature to the
Silverstripe so we can update only a single version of each page? I can
write the required PHP code that will do the transliteration in the
You can find the actual code here
are you familiar with Silverstripe?

Is there a script that can help me in transition of the old site content
to the new site? As you may know, in the Kenai infrastructure only page
content is kept in a version control so it should be possible to upload
them as new Silverstripe pages. That would be great for a start.
AFAIK there's no script available, the different NL teams have rebuilt
their content or copied their html page by page.

I would like to fill a small bug, in the registration form, there is no
Serbia listed in the country list.
Ok, thanks, we're going to fix that  :-)


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