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Hi Narayan, *

Narayan Aras schrieb:

Hi Nik

1. The website project has no graphic designer on board-why?
2. There is no planned wireframe/icons for home page, and other sets of pages- why?
2. We raced against launch date, missed it and still no graphic inputs-why?

Don't you think someone from your team had to contribute?

We have to contribute - and we do!

But not in the way and in the timeframe *you* decide to be the right one.

As you mentioned several times, open source communities are different from corporate development.

Even if there are people with the necessary skills, this doesn't mean that they can spend more time than possible to the community.

At the moment there are several urgent tasks to be fulfilled for the Design Team.

If you keep on blaming us not to spend more time in one of these tasks - being *not at all* the most urgent one (the website now is in a state that it can be used, even far form optimal) - then Italo is right:

We don't need any more people like you!

Come back to the way adult people - volunteers ! - work with and talk to each other, then we'll find a way to get this solved.

Best regards


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