Hi Keith,
2010/10/19 Keith Williams <kwilliams@thoughtfarmproductions.com>:
So i spent about 45 minutes on the demo site...
The site has groups, polls per group, ratings on discussions that are
tracked, and differentiated admin / user roles.
try to login using:
OK, you set up something that might be a wiki, but is not workable with, sorry.
Either the testuser lacks any serious possibilities, or the UI lacks.
How would I structure the website (remember: The requirement was for a
website, wiki or user-forum are sepqrate on purpose)
How would I edit the "Welcome" page for example?
How would I create a navigation? just putting a new page in the
parent-groups's body ain't that great IMHO.
Wiki-Editor doesn't feature a nice editor yet either.
"Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li>
<dl> <dt> <dd>"
Is a joke, is it? You're not allowed to create headings or tables?
Not yet impressed. And not something I'd propose to the NL-Groups in this state.
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