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Off hand, I think that you are moving in the right direction. I have 
not looked at this in a very long time, but, I do have some macro 
information for use with Base (Written against a much earlier version of 
Base) available here:

This is a direct link to the document

Note that my Macro documents contain the maros in the document, which makes it possible to copy any macros that you want to use simply by importing the libraries. On the other hand, the documents contain macros, which means that you will be warned that they do contain macros. I try to create my documents such that you can run the macros directly by clicking on buttons embedded in the documents to test them.
I am a bit overwhelmed with overdue tasks, but, if you notice something 
that is obviously no longer correct, please let me know.

On 2018-03-06 8:48, Anne Wilson wrote:
On 06/03/2018 13:35, zahra a wrote:
i downloaded getting started from
for free in odt format.
which version of libreoffice do you need to work on?
whats the different between free version and paid version of getting started? i downloaded getting started for libreoffice 5.2 in odt format from its website.
i realized that it explanes macro and if you need to use macro in
libreoffice, the book can help you!
hope that help, God bless!

Thanks for the quick reply.  My books are somewhat out of date, with
Getting Started being 4.2 and Base Handbook being 4.0. I had, though, noticed that both have some help with macros. Oce I'm sure that's the
way to go, I'll consult them - although perhaps I should download the
updated versions first :-)


On 3/6/18, Anne Wilson <> wrote:
Hello. Since this is my first post, I'll write some background first.
I am deeply interested in machine embroidery, as well as general 
 I therefore have accumulated a library of magazines with some 
articles.  The problem is finding the right article when I want to
re-read it.

I bought the Getting Started Guide and Base Handbook, and by constantly referring back to them, managed to get an embedded database, in which
details of the article were accompanied by an image.  You know what
comes next. All was well until I had just over 200 entries - at which time it crashed and I lost all entries. Fortunately I had a backup up to the previous day's work, as well as an almost complete spreadsheet
which had been the basis for my efforts, but there was no point in
trying to do more, as all reading pointed to the problem of images
causing the size to over-expand.

I have now tried to create a split database, following the instructions I found online. However, I'm finding it difficult to source information on using it. Picked from the bits and pieces I've accumulated, instead of adding the image directly, I have created a text field containing a
URL relative to the data folder, e.g. ../Images/OnionsAndRust.jpg.

What I would like to achieve is that URL to be read in, the image
displayed, then dropped when the record changes. Is this a reasonable

Can you point me to documentation that will help? I suspect that I need to learn to write macros for this to work, but again, providing I can
find help to get started I am ready to learn.


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