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Hi Ken,

are you working in Writer? Then I wonder, why you are working with a text box and not with a frame? A text box is a graphic object with a restricted edit engine.

Kind regards

Ken Springer schrieb:
Hi, Rémy,

I got back to working with tabs again today.

And you appear to be right, they only work if you manually enter them
into the dialogue box.

Even that doesn't appear to work 100% correctly.  Let's say you have a
text box where the right edge of the box is at 7.50"  Do you think you
can put a right tab at 7.50"?  Nope.  It will wrap to the next line, at
the first tab stop.

You have to enter 7.49".

I did a bit of experimenting in Open Office, current version, appears to
be the same thing.  :-(

This testing was done earlier today, and I found a couple other "little"
things that don't seem quite right either.  I wish I could remember what
they were, but I didn't take the time to write them down.  But I did
find it disappointing.

I so want to use LO, and by extension OO, but LO always leaves me with
the feeling it's "not quite ready for Prime Time".

The little things like this tab issue just leave me so frustrated,
there's no enjoyment for me.     Let's add the unfixed/ignored bugs to
the list.  :-(

On 9/5/17 7:15 PM, Remy Gauthier wrote:

Fedora 25

Tab stops in a text box seem to work only if you set them up via Format
Paragraph and enter them manually. Entering tab stops via the ruler
bar is useless when it comes to the text boxes. Additionally, if you
setup some tabs in a box (via Format > Paramgraph) and click into the
box, even though they are set, they will not appear on the ruler.

I hope this helps.

Rémy Gauthier.

Le mardi 05 septembre 2017 à 12:58 -0600, Ken Springer a écrit :
OX X 10.11.6 El Capitan


Do they work?  I haven't been able to make them work up to this
point.  :-(

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