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Read .xlsx, write/convert to .csv format with utf8 characters. From the command line.

On 08/28/2017 05:51 AM, James Knott wrote:
Sorry, I misread. I thought you were trying to read a CSV.  LibreOffice
can read and write CSV.  To save, just use Save As and select CSV for
the filter.

On 08/28/2017 03:29 AM, A wrote:
It opens just fine.

On 08/27/2017 06:41 PM, James Knott wrote:
On 08/27/2017 08:59 PM, A wrote:
I'm trying to convert a file from .xlsx to CSV.  After googling until
my eyes were bleeding, the below is the best I could come up with.
I've tried various incarnations of the below this is just the latest.
Any ideas what's wrong here?  The input file clearly exists.  ubuntu
16.04 LibreOffice 10m0(Build:2)

Thank you in advance!


-env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp/libreoffice-1 --headless
--nolockcheck --convert-to csv:Text \(encoded\):UTF8 --infilter=MS
Excel 97:44,34,76,1,,1033,true,true,false,false KGI_Discontinued.xlsx
Error: source file could not be loaded
Error: source file could not be loaded
Error: source file could not be loaded
convert /usr/local/src/greetonix/src/KGI_Discontinued.xlsx ->
/usr/local/src/greetonix/src/KGI_Discontinued.csv using filter : Text
Error: Please verify input parameters... (SfxBaseModel::impl_store
<file:///usr/local/src/greetonix/src/KGI_Discontinued.csv> failed:

apb@yellow:/usr/local/src/greetonix/src$ ll KGI_Discontinued.xlsx

-rw-rw-r-- 2 apb apb 88334 Aug 18 16:00 KGI_Discontinued.xlsx

What happens if you just open the file in LibreOffice?

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