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So, the issue seems to be twofold.  My macro gunked up LO and caused the
conversion to fail, and having LO open requires use of the -env option as

​If something's borked in the user profile, telling LO to use another one
(or even create one for the occasion, who cares) will indeed fix the issue
I've been giving this some thought; and for an automated/independant
process​ it might be better to to it this way anyway; to avoid weird
interaction with various user settings, even non-crashy ones.

Wouldn't you agree the real fix is to get the LO crash fixed in which case
my macro - buggy or not - shouldn't affect anything?

​Yes, that would be the best solution: not crashing, or at least providing
some output about an error​. But debugging weird interactions between such
big piece of softwate and user code might require more work than redoing
the macro a different way, unless the right guy happen to check it and
pinpoint the issue very fast :(

Thanks for all your and everyone else's help & suggestions!

​Glad you got it working :)​

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