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At 01:27 20/08/2017 +0200, Dennis Heuer wrote:
On Sat, 19 Aug 2017 17:25:36 +0100 Brian Barker <> wrote:
The hyperlink dialog expects a name for the hyperlink that substitutes the original text block. How can I do it different?

Try not giving it a name.

Then it substitutes with the target name.

Er, not for me, it doesn't.

There just needs to be a tabulator space in the selection, and the hyperlink rewrites the selection.

It seems that you can avoid this by creating the hyperlink for the text without the tab and inserting the tab afterwards. Indeed, it seems that as long as you have a minimum of two characters in your paragraph you can create the hyperlink and then add to the paragraph between those end characters as you wish - without upsetting the hyperlink.

Definitely, the hyperlink mechanism won't do...

You are welcome to give up, but I haven't. You said originally that you wanted to include images, and a way to do that - as someone has already suggested - is to create identical hyperlinks for them separately.

Brian Barker

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