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Hi Dennis,

why do you need, that the entire block of text becomes a link? Do I understand it correctly, that when clicking _somewhere_ in the block, LO should switch to a different part of the document?

The problem is, that the <text:a> element, which is needed to define the click-sensitive area, is only allowed inside a paragraph and therefore cannot contain multiple paragraphs.

Kind regards

Dennis Heuer schrieb:

I seek for a way to mark a text block (including indentions, images and
what is in there) and turn it into a cross reference - without it
getting substituted with a link name or a page number or the like. I
want it just as you find it in internet-shops: There is an article
entry, with header, text, image and price tag, and you can click on the
whole block (division in HTML))

Dennis Heuer

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