On Sat, 19 Aug 2017 14:35:21 +0200
Regina Henschel <rb.henschel@t-online.de> wrote:
Hi Dennis,
why do you need, that the entire block of text becomes a link? Do I
understand it correctly, that when clicking _somewhere_ in the block,
LO should switch to a different part of the document?
Read my message again. Therein is mentioned an example use-case.
This behaviour (link on div) is actually very very common on internet
and very very useful if the link info is heterogenuous (and thus it
would be cumbersome to find out what is clickable or to always target
at a different (and maybe small) location in an order of
heterogenuous list entries.)
The problem is, that the <text:a> element, which is needed to define
the click-sensitive area, is only allowed inside a paragraph and
therefore cannot contain multiple paragraphs.
It even cannot include a tabulator space whithout replacing the
selection. This is a very bad restriction. The true problem is that
LibreOffice is only expecting explanatory text snippets for hyperlink
names while in HTML the hyperlink very quickly turned into a universal
attribute of a semantic division. The latter is far more helpful...
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