On 07/26/2017 02:33 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
krackedpress wrote
Nowhere does it say what the 5.2.7 version is.
CAN this be changed?
It remains in the release notes as indicated and reads: "The mature "still"
version of LibreOffice, recommended for enterprises. As such, the version is
stable and is suitable for all users. Detailed release notes can be accessed
from the link below."
Believe it will change on both the download page and the release-notes when
5.4.0 is released, and 5.3.5 becomes the Still branch. For now the page is
in transition as the 5.2 branch is officially EOL.
Having that "still" description at the link, like it does for the
"fresh" download, would be nice.
It would be nice to have the "still" description and link above that of
the "fresh" download and description. That way, the "suitable for all
users" version is the first choice and the "recommended for technology
enthusiasts" listing would be second. To me, that indicates the fact
that we feel it is "more important" to keep a version that all users can
use - from individuals to enterprises - and not stress the "enthusiasts"
version. For me, I feel that the way it is shows LO/TDF is not for
businesses since you eye gravitates to the big boxed "tester version"
and you could almost overlook the link for the "business version link".
If we really want to promote LibreOffice as a office suite for
professionals, we need to have is shown first in the download page -
before any other version. Maybe in the drop down menu, on the startup
page, could say "Business Version - Still" and then "Technology
Enthusiasts version - Fresh". That will easily show the visitors which
version is for them.
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