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On 26.07.2017 13:55, Michael Tiernan wrote:
I just want to double check the language used on the website.

Is the release 5.3.4 a "Stable" release or still in development? I
don't see language on the website differentiating the "stable"
releases verses the "prerelease" or "release candidate" flavors.

Any place I should have been looking for this answer?

Thanks for everyone's time.

Hi Michael,

It's not clear where on the website you are viewing this information,
maybe in an area intended for those wishing to do QA testing on not yet
released versions, although it is possible (unlikely) that the page may
not have been updated to remove references to previous release
candidates yet.

The production (what you describe as "Stable") versions for various OS
are listed on the downloads page: where it says that 5.3.4
is a stable release. At the bottom of that page there are links to two
pre-release versions, which are still subject to QA review and possible
revision before being offered as production releases.

Hope this helps.


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