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Yes all are "stable", but 5.3.2 - 5.3.4 gives me issues with the Format>Page dialog box taking 30+ seconds to open. 5.2.7 does not have that issue. This was on the 64 bit DEB Linux install and seemed to do the same with Win10, but not as long as a delay.

I do not line the "Fresh" and "Still" names.

Also, you have to go almost to the end of the download page to get the "Still" version of 5.2.7. I would like to see the listing in the same green box as the "Fresh" version. Unless you look at the bottom of the page, you would think the "Fresh version" is the only one available for downloading.

So, right after the "need another language" line, it would be good to have the same size format as the "Fresh" listing. It would make more sense to me, and maybe others as well. Didn't it use to be that way? Both version we listed next to each other?

The descriptions for the versions are one-sided.

"The latest "fresh" version of LibreOffice, recommended for technology enthusiasts."

This is for the Fresh version but I do not see any text like this for the Still version shown at the bottom of the page.

It needs to have this text describing what the "Still" version means. All you have to look at is the following:

Available Versions

LibreOffice is available in the following released versions:


LibreOffice is available in the following prerelease versions:

Nowhere does it say what the 5.2.7 version is. There is a text telling you that the next two version are pre-release versions.

CAN this be changed?

On 07/26/2017 10:03 AM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
All releases are "stable".

5.3.4 is the latest "Fresh" release, to be followed with 5.3.5 which is in

5.2.7 is the latest "Still" release, when 5.4.0 is released the 5.2 branch
will be EOL for active project development.  5.4.0 will become the "Fresh"
release and 5.3.5 will become the "Still" release.

Current status is available from the release notes page here:

The time based release plan provides scheduling:

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