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Hi Brian,

QC schrieb:
I've just discovered that when I save a copy of an invoice it's saving the
spreadsheet part as an image. This is not the behavior I expected.

I'm running:
Linux mint 17 64 bit
KDE 4.13

When I save a copy of this file as Word 2007/2010/2013 (*.docx)
if converts the spreadsheets as an image!

I have tested the behavior with Version:
Build ID: a3100ed2409ebf1c212f5048fbe377c281438fdc
CPU Threads: 4; OS Version: Windows 6.1; UI Render: default;
Locale: de-DE (de_DE); Calc: group

In Tools > Options > Load/Save > Microsof Office the first four rows of convert are all checked.

I cannot confirm your observation. The embedded spreadsheet is converted to an Excel sheet. When I open the file in Word 2010, a double-click on the sheet activates the OLE and I can use the spreadsheet.

I have used Insert > Object > OLE object, create new LibreOffice 5.2 Spreadsheet, to insert a spreadsheet. Then I have copy&paste the cells from the original spreadsheet. I have not tested whether the kind "From file" would have worked too.

I have saved it as both .docx versions and both work for me.

Is this some setting? I've tried Googling, but it keeps showing my link on
how to save things as an image. Completely not what I want to do.

The older Word 97 format is not readable anymore by one of my customers. If
I save an 2003 .xml version Libreoffice can't even open a readable document

Are there some configuration details I'm missing?

You should check your settings in Tools > Options. You can try with a newer LibreOffice version. And if you have access to a Windows PC, you should try it with a LibreOffice version for Windows.

Kind regards

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