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At 16:59 16/04/2017 -0500, Brian Noname wrote:
Yes, but he enters the data from my invoice into his own systems. This allows him to not have to key it all in, if he can copy and paste.

Aha! I think that is the first we've heard of that.

I can export it to PDF, and I have confirmed that I can copy and paste the text, from the PDF, but it loses its spreadsheet layout. I don't know if that will work for him. So he will be able to use it, but at a reduced level of productivity.

If he needs the functionality of a spreadsheet - formulae and such, and not just the data - then PDF will indeed not do.

I may just have to send him the underlying spreadsheet instead of the nicer format of the company invoice, or in addition to it.

That's exactly what I was going to suggest: that you might send him your invoice in its normal form and the data he needs as a spreadsheet. If he uses a recent version of Microsoft Office, either .xls or .xlsx should work for him. But you may still get back to your earlier solution ...

At 18:11 16/04/2017 -0500, Brian Noname wrote:
Well none of that worked. :/

I'm sorry to hear that, of course.

I'll install a clean, newer Mint release on a spare partition of two, and test a fresh Libreoffice in a fresh and clean install and see if this problem goes away. Probably some old configuration setting that I kept in an update, that I should have rejected, removed, or changed.

A simpler way may be just to delete or rename your LibreOffice user profile (whilst LibreOffice is closed). That should have the same effect.

I hope you won't see me as being unnecessarily critical if I say that part of the problem here was that you did not declare some of the boundary conditions to your problem in your earlier messages. It was not surprising that people offered apparently useful suggestions that didn't satisfy you. It helps other to help you best if you can give such detail up front.

Brian Barker

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