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Another way to keep unwanted columns or rows from printing is to Group
those columns or rows (Data > Group and Outline > Group) .  Before printing
use the "Minus" icon to collapse.  After printing use the "Plus" sign to
expand.  This method provides a fast clickable control which is also a
vise-able reminder of the Group when collapsed.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:36 AM, Brian Barker <>

At 22:46 30/01/2017 +0000, Budge Noname wrote:

On 30/01/17 15:25, Brian Barker wrote:

At 13:21 30/01/2017 +0000, Budge Noname wrote:

I am trying to hide some columns when printing.

You can hide entire columns using Format | Column > | Hide (or
right-click | Hide on the column header).

When I did this the space occupied by the hidden columns was still in the
print layout so objective not achieved.

You may need to close the file and reopen it to sort things out. Very easy.

o Create a separate sheet for printing purposes, containing only the
required columns. You need to create *formulae* referring to your original
sheet on that sheet, not just to paste values - so that values there update
automatically as you work on your main sheet.

I refer to this as a brute force approach but it is what I ended up doing.

Nothing brutish I can see.

In fact I copied only the wanted columns to next sheet and printed from

If you copied values, you didn't do what I suggested - which may be less
brutish than what you did. If you create *formulae* instead of values, you
need do this only once. The second sheet used for printing will
automatically update as you work on your editing sheet and can always be
what you print.

Brian Barker

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