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       Thank you.

       Just one point which you - & others - seem to be unaware: if I had
merely accepted this 2-day old message then it could have been even longer
before the questioner received a reply.  Granted some of you may spend all
your time on the computer, but I'm in that group which turns off the
computer to attend to many off-line activities.  I feel that if someone has
a query, to which I might be able to help, then it's my duty to do so
without further delay.

       With deepest apologies if my duty-bound attitude offends some,

From: Charles-H. Schulz <>
Date: Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] in response ...

Hello Tom,

It seems that the problem Brian highlighted is a bit different and is a
recurring one. Anne-ology does not seem to understand her exact role as a
list moderator, even after years of being in that position. What she has to
do is first to approve the message so that it can reach the mailing list.
Then, she or anyone else here may answer the original poster in public on
the list.

It is only about the 25th time this happens, but Anne-ology does not seem
to want to take any sort of input, however cordial and friendly, into
account. You are however correct that Anne-ology did indeed aptly identify
the unmoderated post that had been sitting in the moderation queue for
several days, and for this she of course did the right thing and should be
thanked for that.



Le 31.01.2017 14:54, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi :)
It is not always possible to "do the right thing" so it is good that
Anne-ology was able to "handle it" with courteous intelligence.  Clearly
no-one else had figured out how to deal with it as it had been languishing
so long.  So it is good that she was able "to go the extra mile".  :)

So, Anne-ology is due many thanks and congratulations but instead receives
admonishment from one who has not dared to take on such work himself,
although he does do a lot of good work in another area, that is also
somewhat under-appreciated.  Instead of criticising each other for the
hidden roles they play I think we need more recognition of the good work
done by so many people who are all (imo) unsung heroes&heroines.

So, many thanks to Anne-ology, Toki, Brian and others - and apologies to
Anne-ology for the ignorant critcism she was subjected to.
Many, many regards from
Tom :)

On 31 January 2017 at 13:29, toki <> wrote:

On 01/30/2017 07:13 PM, anne-ology wrote:

       with all sincerity, & confused by your attitude,

Good list moderators _NEVER_ post messages to the list, except when the
question specifically is about their moderation practices.

More pointedly, the ideal list moderator is one whom the majority of
list members have never heard of, and are utterly unaware of their
presence on the list.


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