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On 01/02/2017, Philip Jackson <> wrote:
On 31/01/17 18:54, V Stuart Foote wrote:
The issue is never that you take the time to respond, rather it is
frequently that your responses are not processed correctly by the maillist

(ML)  servers
Indeed.  Anne-ology's last three messages all carry the same subject
line when I receive them but they have created 3 new threads. I have
never received an email signed Anne-ology thro the list that was joined
to an existing thread. They always appear to break the existing threads.

Maybe Anne-ology just doesn't do 'threading'.

Personally I've had to relearn how to reply as a list member, GMail
makes it more difficult to reply to the list... but not impossible.

I remember the years and days of the top post versus bottom post
arguments. Silly excessively drawn out arguments.

I also remember managing a Mailman list during the days when half it's
members were on dial-up and advising one of my team members to be
careful about putting full size camera pics into her posts. It wasn't
until the day she put twenty pics in one E-Mail that she learned that
lesson, as well as finding the list no longer of value as half the
members wanted to unsubscribe.

This may indeed be a moderator training issue, that is probably up to
the TDF team to decide. Else this is probably turning into another
silly, excessively drawn out discussion which i have added to with
silly old man reminiscences. Muahaha

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