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At 13:21 30/01/2017 +0000, Budge Noname wrote:
I am trying to hide some columns when printing. If I use the format cells > cell protection > hide when printing the contents of the cells are hidden and the sheet width is reduced as expected but when I try and print, it seems the space they occupy is still there giving me lots of white space and many sheets!

I suspect that is - as they say - "by design"! It's worth noticing that, since this technique uses cell formatting, it could apply to some cells in a column and not others. If the space that would otherwise be occupied by the hidden cells were suppressed, the alignment of other output (that you did want) would be wrecked.

You can hide entire columns using Format | Column > | Hide (or right-click | Hide on the column header). The effect on the display is temporary, of course, and can easily be reversed immediately after printing: select columns surrounding the hidden ones and use Format | Column > | Show (or right-click | Show on a column header).

I would like to use the filter method, assuming this will solve my problem but when I tried on one column everything disappeared.

"Everything"? You do want entire columns to be hidden, don't you?

Here are two other ways to achieve the sort of thing you need:

o Move your columns around so that the ones you do not want printed do not occur between ones that you do. It is perfectly possible to maintain the same calculations, of course. Then construct a print range that contains the columns you want printed but not the rogue ones. Or you could put the unwanted columns on a separate sheet and print only the required sheet.

o Create a separate sheet for printing purposes, containing only the required columns. You need to create *formulae* referring to your original sheet on that sheet, not just to paste values - so that values there update automatically as you work on your main sheet. Then print just that other sheet. Again, you could alternatively do this with additional columns on the original sheet and a print range excluding them.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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