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On 24/01/17 12:17, Dave Howorth wrote:

That was the first thing I tried. There is no such package. Neither is
there in Ubuntu from what Philip says.

 When i have installed LibreOffice in
Ubuntu in the past (when else right??) i'm sure the help-files were
all selected by default, automatically.  This behaviour may well have
been changed either temporarily or deliberately for many different

Just for the record, I was speaking about Ubuntu 1404LTS. That is why I
had to refresh my memory of how I got away from the LO website page that
appeared so unhelpful.

The later version of Ubuntu, 1604 LTS, does indeed have the internal
help files installed in the distro supplied version.
But as Tom and others have remarked in the past, the internal help files
often appear incorrect and out of date.


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