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In between Uninstalling and Installing if you choose this route i
would look to reset the User Profile Data as well. Information here:

On 25/01/2017, Tom Davies <> wrote:
Hi :)
I recommend using the Published Guides instead.  From the link i gave and
from the official LibreOffice website they are free to download.  You can
buy them from various "app stores" type of places for a minimal charge and
they are available as 'paper back' books from the Lulu bookstore.

As for the 'in-built' help, just forget about it - unless you are prepared
to put a lot of work in and give some serious help (in which case please do
join the Documentation Team as they always need new peope.  If you just
need the help sections to help figure out how to do something then the
Published Guides are the way forwards.

It's also beginning to sound like your whole install of LibreOffice has
gone a bit wonky.  If i were getting that sort of error-message then i
would just uninstall LibreOffice and then reinstall it.  All of the
settings and configurations should remain untouched so the new version of
LibreOffice should pick up on all those allowing you to "carry on as
normal".  In Ubuntu that would be something like;

sudo apt-get remove libreoffice*
sudo apt-get install libreoffice

In between those 2 lines i might "update" or check or reload my repo.s by
doing something like;

sudo apt-get update

before doing the install line above just to make sure my repo.s are all
working properly.  openSuSE will have similar commands but just replace
"apt-get" with "yum" or whatever and the command to reload the repos might
use some other command.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 24 January 2017 at 11:17, Dave Howorth <> wrote:

On Tue, 24 Jan 2017 03:05:15 +0000
Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
It sounds like the 'in-built' help package has not been installed.



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