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Hi :)
It sounds like the 'in-built' help package has not been installed.

When installing LibreOffice from the upstream website (ie the LibreOffice
website, as you would install stuff if you were using Windows) there are
usually 3 packages to install;
1.  The main installer for the LibreOffice program/suite itself
2.  The 'in-built' help file/package
3.  Your language, unless En-US is your language in which case this package
would be bundled in with the main installer.

So for the LibreOffice version from your repos you may need to use a
package-manager to search for "LibreOffice help" of "LibreOffice help
files" or something like that.  When i have installed LibreOffice in Ubuntu
in the past (when else right??) i'm sure the help-files were all selected
by default, automatically.  This behaviour may well have been changed
either temporarily or deliberately for many different reasons.

Personally i seem to remember the 'in-built' help seems to cause problems
for native-English-speakers whereas the "Published Guides" are excellent;

The translations of the 'inbuilt' help into almost all other languages
other than English seem to be fantastic.  For the English version the team
that does the 'in-built' help has always been incredibly tiny and more
'geeky' than 'normal', and as a separate team from the one that works on
the published guides their process of review-proofreading etc has been
somewhat different too.  Recently quite a lot of work has been done on the
'in-built' help to make it more 'normal' for us to understand more easily.
However this work too is being done by non-native English speakers as it
requires unusual technical skills that The Documentation Team doesn't find
easy to learn.  Hopefully the in-built help will remain just as good to
translate from because it's always been particularly brilliant for that.

Good luck and many regards from
Tom :)

On 20 January 2017 at 18:24, Dave Howorth <> wrote:

On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 19:27:20 +0100
Philip Jackson <> wrote:

On 18/01/17 13:16, Dave Howorth wrote:
I run LibreOffice Version: Build ID: 20m0(Build:3) on
openSUSE Leap 42.1

I just clicked on LibreOffice Help in the Help menu and discovered
that it opened a web page instead of a help window. The web page is
and I can't figure out how to use it to get help! It seems to be
some kind of overview/index but there doesn't seem to be any way to
actually invoke help. How do I use it?

Hi - I recognise your problem, Dave.  I had exactly this on Ubuntu1404
LTS using the distro supplied version of LO.

Hi Philip,

Many thanks for your reply. It seems that both openSUSE and Ubuntu
dropped the ball when packaging this version, which perhaps points to
some communication omission on LO's part. I've submitted an openSUSE
bug for it but haven't had any feedback yet.

I've just refreshed my memory of how I dealt with it.  On the page
your link gets to, in the left hand column, second entry down is
"Main Page".

This takes you to :
and here you find more interesting links to each of the components in
LO suite.

Thanks for those instructions; they'll definitely help until the distro
is fixed. It's a pity the menu entry in the application doesn't link
directly to the online help for that application. Then it might be
almost usable!

Cheers, Dave


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