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On 28/11/2016 18:52, Keith Barber wrote:
I've created a smallish (200-odd members) membership database in Base.
Just in case it's relevant, I populated it with data from a Calc
spreadsheet which itself originated as a MS Excel spreadsheet created by
my predecessor.

On trying to open the table, I got a no JRE error.  I managed to cure
that by uninstalling and reinstalling Java, and all went swimmingly

Hi Keith,

I have a similar problem however my Base just will not let me do anything until the JRE is installed.

I REALLY NEED Java to use Base as I am endeavouring to managed a 500 strong membership list over 9 zones with an index common to all. I have tried to install and Java sits in my "System Preferences" but linking LO to it is another mission as it doesn't seem you can re-initiate a search by LO for a JRE?

Uninstalling it can't be done by dragging icon to Trash and only thing I have found is on the net to do it via cli.

I could use Calc and import data sets from a main sheet into a smaller table but it is really time intensive so really using Base is a no brainer. I also refuse to pay money for MS Access to run on my Apple Mac Sierra 10.12.1 with LO

Wonder when LO is going to follow Minecraft's example for items such as Base? <>


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