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Thank you for this Alex. Not sure I'm computerate enough to know the difference between a JDK and a JRE. However, I do have 2 JREs installed, a 32-bit and a 64-bit.
Good news: it looks as if I may have cracked it, at least temporarily. 
Bad news: it might be a bug of some sort... potentially a bug in the 
user but worth feeding back what I've discovered.
I need to find time to restart my machine again to confirm what I'm 
about to say, when I do I'll post accordingly.  Base was working fine 
last week (I normally 'sleep' my PC overnight), but did a restart ovver 
the weekend and that's where the trouble started.
In Tools - Options - Advanced the two JREs look identical.  After 
posting my query, and just for the hell of it, I tried selecting the 
other one.  That made no difference.  So I shut down LO, re-opened it 
and tried again.  Still no joy.  So I went back in and selected the 
original again.  Still no joy with Base, so for one last thing I shut 
down LO yet again.  This time, Base worked when I re-opened it!
If that's what it takes, I can live with it, though I'd rather not have 
to.  But if that gives someone a clue where to look for an issue, it 
would be most welcome.
Best wishes,

On 28/11/2016 17:26, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 28/11/2016 à 17:52, Keith Barber a écrit :

Hi Keith,

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit Service Pack 1 (unsure whether any further
information would help or how to find it).
I am assuming you are using a 64bit JDK (and not a JRE) ?
If so, which version ?


Keith Barber

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