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Thank you Alex... more involved than I thought. No time for the next couple of days, but Base is sitting open and seemingly working so I'll do what I need then go looking for trouble :-)

Now all I need to do is remember how to tell what bitness of LO I have!


On 29/11/2016 14:29, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 28/11/2016 à 23:05, Keith Barber a écrit :

Hi Keith,

Thank you for this Alex.  Not sure I'm computerate enough to know the
difference between a JDK and a JRE.  However, I do have 2 JREs
installed, a 32-bit and a 64-bit.

JREs have an automatic update mechanism which checks to see whether
you're at the latest release version, and offers to install it for you.

JDKs do not have this automatic update mechanism - it is up to the user
to go and look from time to time to see if an update is available.

JDKs are the complete Java Development Kit, as opposed to JREs which are
a Java Runtime Environment.

Basically, if you have automatic updates to Java, then you have JREs

These will no longer work correctly with current release versions
(5.2.x) of LibreOffice and Base (embedded hsqldb) files - you will need
to switch to a JDK for that. It is also better in principle to use a bit
version of the JDK that corresponds to the bit version of LibreOffice
you are using. If your are using a 64bit version of LibreOffice, then
download and install a 64bit version of the Java Development Kit
available from Oracle.


Keith Barber

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