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Interesting but I want to emphasize that this is not a solution for what I seek to accomplish.

On 11/21/2016 9:07 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
You can do much the same with LO itself.

I've always loved the PDF output from LO's PDF converter. For some
reason I've never been able to figure out, its PDF output seems sharper
and crisper than the PDF output created by other programs, including
LaTeX or LyX. It may just be me.

I've also been impressed with LO's HTML output. It has a couple
different options, either of which which will produce a fairly simple
HTML file which can easily be edited further with any text editor.

And, where an OpenDocument file is needed, you have it without any need
for further conversion.

I confess I'm fairly OCD when it comes to my endless search for the
perfect document creation tool (which of course doesn't exist). In the
FOSS world, I've tried everything from LO to LaTeX, LyX, Markdown, and
ReStructuredText, but I almost always come back to LO.

I usually try one of the other alternatives when I need to do something
LO won't do only to learn later that LO would have done it quite well if
I had only taken the time to learn it.


On 11/20/2016 10:41 PM, gordon cooper wrote:
To divert a little, but not talking about Markdown.

We were looking for a simple way of of producing documents in html,
thought we were on the right track until some of the potential users
asked for pdf too.  We now use Lyx for the authoring, it produces
formatted text, without formatting marks having to be typed in.

 From the Lyx master, we output in pdf and html, with DVI and xhtml
available as options.  Where Open Document format is needed, the html
can be directly pasted in to .odt, but with one failing. A Table of
in Lyx loses the page links in the paste function . There is an easy
work-around, just create a new ToC in Libre Office - about 4 clicks,
and delete the original ToC.

Gordon Cooper

MX-Linux Documentation Team
Tauranga N.Z.

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