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I am looking for seamless interchange between OO/LO and markdown... I understand there is a plugin 
for Word, Writage, that allows one to convert between the different formats. However, since I do 
not use Word I am not able to try it. I have not found any such plugin for OO/LO - yet - but that 
would seem to be the perfect approach.

On 11/20/2016 8:45 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I've used quite a few Markdown editors. I know nothing about CentOS, so
I can't recommend anything for that OS. On Windows, I like WriteMonkey.
In Linux, the best I've seen is ReText, but last I checked, it's
developer was no longer supporting an Ubuntu PPA for the program making
installation less smooth on Ubuntu.

Since Markdown is a pure text file with formatting marks inserted, you
could easily edit such a file with LO. It sounds like what you're asking
is a way to convert the Markdown file to a LO format. I'm not sure of a
direct way of doing that. You might try Pandoc, an online file converter.

My greatest frustration with Markdown, aside from its many different
flavors, is that there doesn't seem to be a complete Markdown solution
anywhere. At best, there are add-on tools to some existing products
(like your Geany), but I've not found anything (at least in the
free-software realm) that actually includes everything you need.

I've found myself using LaTeX to create HTML files. It's htlatex
converter does a nice job and creates an easily editable .CSS file. And,
after nearly 40 years of development, it's really complete.


On 11/20/2016 12:15 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:55 19/11/2016 -0500, Honly Noname wrote:
I am a recent convert to using [M]arkdown for creating draft
documents, outlines etc. [...] Now I would also like to create drafts
of documents and of slide presentations in markdown to later be
transferred to OpenOffice or LibreOffice Writer for finishing the
text documents or OpenOffice or LibreOffice Impress for finishing
slide presentations. [...] I do not seem able to accomplish the
latter ...
I know nothing about Markdown, but simply reading Wikipedia tells me
it can be used to produce HTML - indeed, that this is its primary
function. HTML can be opened by LibreOffice Writer and you can save as
.odt from there.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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