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Henry Sikkema schreef op 05-04-16 om 15:04:
Both machines run the same LO version.  Any ideas what the machine's
problem might be?


On 4 April 2016 at 16:33, Tim Lloyd <> wrote:

On 05/04/16 05:43, Henry Sikkema wrote:

   All the files work wellon another machine.

All the files work well on another machine with the same version of
LibreOffice? If that is the case then is there a problem with the PC?
There might be a problem with the configuration file on one machine. If 
so, just delete it and LO will make a standard new one and open your 
I don not know where this file is to be found; somewhere in "Appdata" or 
some such directory, I guess. I( am a happy Linux user and have 
forgotten where to find these configuration files in Windows.
Greetings and good luck.


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