Le 18/03/2016 12:31, Ian Whitfield a écrit :
Hi Ian,
But I now have the problem of bringing in the Form you told me how to save.
I have it as an ODT file but can not find a way of coping it into Base!!
Can you assist me with this please??
The whole point of saving the form as an ODT outside of an ODB is that
it becomes standalone, providing you link it to the declared datasource
as I mentioned in my previous mail. You can not simply slide the ODT
file back into the ODB file - why would you want to do that if your
original aim was to get the form out ? If you create the form in the
ODB, it stays in the ODB, you don't have to bring it in again.
I, imagine, although I have never tried this, that it would
theoretically be possible to unzip the ODB file and copy the contents of
an equally unzipped ODT file into the appropriate subfolder (e.g.
/forms/Obj11/) within the unzipped ODB, re-zip it again, and thereby
access it anew from within the ODB. When I look in the forms folder of
an ODB file, I see a subfolder called ObjXX, where XX are digits. In
this Obj folder I see 4 files, plus another subfolder /Configurations2.
The 4 files of the ObjXX folder are :
These files are required to represent the form's content, style and
settings, and you can probably find them in your ODT file once unzipped.
The Configurations2 subfolder should be optional, but from what I
understand it is sometimes required, depending on the options that
appear in settings.xml. The Configurations2 subfolder contains all of
the xml files for various UI parts of the UI space that a form can use.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Calc as a Flat File Database (continued)
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