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On 16/02/2016 14:57, nasrin khaksar wrote:

whats the problem source and what should i do?

Determining the problem, without looking at the specific document is
extremely difficult.

Potential hardware issues are:
* Insufficient RAM:
^ How much RAM does your system have;
^ How much Free RAM does your system have;
^ RAM is failing;

* Hard drive(s) are failing;

* Inadequate space on the hard drives:
^ Microsoft claims that optimum disk drive performance occurs with 70%
of the hard drive free;

Potential Software, but not LibO issues:

* Resides on a non-local network drive;
* Quasi-incompatible USB connection;
* Anti-malware software that inspects every byte that is read, written,
or executed;

Potential document issues are: ^1
* Too many styles;
* Too many unused styles;
* Too much direct/manual formatting;
* Too many switches between styles;
* Too many calculations;
* Sub-optimal images;
* Poor layout of tables;
* Poor/bad formatting of frames;
* Poor/bad formatting of sections;
* How many documents does it link to;
* How many documents that it links to, that are not in their stated
* How many documents it links to, that need to be first opened, then
some calculations run, then closed;

because I use nvda screen reader

I should have read the entire message first.  :(

Screen readers utilize a lot of system resources. The last time I tested
NVDA, it was almost as much of a resource hog as JAWS.
If anything in the hardware setup is about to fail, when a screen reader
is in use, system performance rapidly goes downhill.

Assuming your sister isn't using a screen reader, then most, if not all
of the 65:105 minute difference can be attributed to using a screen
reader.  If she does use a screen reader, then the hardware on your
system is probably close to failing.

Regardless, 65 minutes to open a 9.5 MB document is abnormal.

^1: Whilst "too many" is vague, the optimum number depends upon one's
hardware. Some limits are built into LibO,


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