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Hi Nasrin,

That's all interesting but Steve asked what version of LibreOffice (LO) are you using. He also 
referred you to a discussion on a forum. I don't happen to like forums as well as mailing lists 
either but I suggest you take a look.

You said your sister opened the document faster. Is she using the same version of LO? Is her 
computer faster? Does it have more memory? You need to follow up on all these questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: nasrin khaksar <>
To: Steve Edmonds <>
Sent: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 10:54
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] a question about openning large document with libreoffice writer:

hi again.
my system is little old.
my system property is:

System Properties

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 3
System Properties

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 3
Genuine Intel(R) CPU
 T2250  @ 1.73GHz
1.73 GHz, 2.49 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension
and my file is doc.
libreoffice is very fast and responsive in docx and odt file in
compare to doc files.
i tried many versions of libreoffice and the result was approximately the same.

On 2/16/16, Steve Edmonds <> wrote:
It is interesting that there are similarities with the recent discussion
  Re: LO5.1 on Linux - Opening Writer document takes >1hr Able to be
viewed on nabble

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What version of LO do you have.

On 2016-02-17 03:57, nasrin khaksar wrote:
hi every one.
i have a question when i want to open one document which has 960 pages
and about 9.5 mb with writer on windows xp.
when i try to open it, it needs exactly 1 hour and 45 minute to be
opened completely.
i gave my document to my sister for testing.
for her it took only 65 minute for openning.
whats the problem source and what should i do?
i think that my document is simple without images and graphical
thinks, but i am not shure.
because i use nvda screen reader and i dont know about graphics.
thanks for your answer and god bless you all.
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