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I'm no computer wizard, but I'm sure there are many reasons why a document would take much longer to load on a given computer. Different hardware could make a difference. Different amounts of memory. Different hard drive access speeds. Also, different operating systems will work differently. I run a computer with both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04 on it and the Ubuntu side of things is noticeably faster than the Windows side.

That aside, I wonder if there's more in your file than you realize. I have a document of over 1,000 pages. The file size, however, is only about 857 kb, less than one tenth the size of your 960 page document. I can load my 1000+ page document in less than four seconds on a 2010 Sony Vaio laptop running Ubuntu 14.04. So, I think there's more going on inside your file than you might realize.

As a test, I would try saving it as a pure text file (.txt). See what the file size is then. Then you can reload it into LO, save it as a an .odt file and apply some reformatting. When you save it as a .txt file you will lose any footnotes or endnotes as well as any images, etc. but you'll at least be able to see what you've got in a stripped down format.

Good luck.


On 02/16/2016 09:57 AM, nasrin khaksar wrote:
hi every one.
i have a question when i want to open one document which has 960 pages
and about 9.5 mb with writer on windows xp.
when i try to open it, it needs exactly 1 hour and 45 minute to be
opened completely.
i gave my document to my sister for testing.
for her it took only 65 minute for openning.
whats the problem source and what should i do?
i think that my document is simple without images and graphical
thinks, but i am not shure.
because i use nvda screen reader and i dont know about graphics.
thanks for your answer and god bless you all.

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