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On 2/9/16 1:15 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I have found that, at least with 8160 labels, LO works whereas AOO does
not. I realize that's not your issue, but at least *one* of the label
forms seems to work better than with LO than with AOO giving me the
impression that the LO developers have been a little more proactive in
chasing down label issues than the AOO developers.

I've often found that, with labels, I sometimes have to make small
adjustments. For example, I've sometimes inserted a small 8 point blank
paragraph at the top of a cell to move the actual address down a
smidgen. I sometimes do this in the cells themselves or in the "Label
text" dialog box under <File> <New> <Labels> when I'm doing a merge from
a database. I've also been known to insert a space or two before each
line in the address form, just to move it in from the left margin a bit
as so: (I realize the spaces won't show up in an email so I've typed in
"<sp>" to represent blank spaces that I insert with the space bar.)

I've done this a couple of times, and in places other than LO labels. In these cases, the printed error was so small I attributed it to differences in manufacturing of printer and/or label.

<sp><sp><2014.Sheet1.0.First name> <2014.Sheet1.0.Last name>
<sp><sp><2014.Sheet1.0.City>, <2014.Sheet1.0.State>  <2014.Sheet1.0.Zip>

I realize these solutions are a bit of a cobble, but when you have to
get the job done, you just do what you have to do and worry about bug
reports later. My problem is that I only do this about once a year (for
Christmas cards) and lose interest in the issues once I'm done.

When it comes to work, I want my "tools" to work, and not have to fiddle-fart around and waste my time. I'd rather pay a reasonable price for something that works rather than fiddle here, fiddle there, fiddle somewhere else to get it to work.

From the aspect of doing the code for this, if this was my work and it didn't work, I'd keep after it until it was fixed. It's a source of pride for me.

I can fiddle with the upper margin and "make it work", a cobble, a workaround, but that's not the point. It's supposed to be a feature, therefore, it's reasonable for a user to expect it to work.

And to recreate a page full of labels isn't going to be fun. Each label has a graphic included, and with no way to Ctrl/CMD A to select all and then copy and paste all, I'll have to do all the labels again.

Unless someone has an answer to that.

Is there a way to swap label templates in an existing doc?


On 02/09/2016 01:39 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
On 2/6/16 1:16 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
Printing is off the mark vertically by about an eighth of an inch
vertically, lower on the page than correct.

Labels print fine on Avery 8160.

No adjustments of any kind to the template was made.


FWFW, it doesn't work in the latest version of Open Office, either.  :-(

Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 44.0
Thunderbird 38.0.1
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
     and it's gone!"

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