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On 09/02/16 03:23 PM, Dave Liesse wrote:
I've never had any luck with any of the Avery templates I've tried (although my problem has been mostly with left-to-right adjustments rather than top-to-bottom). I finally just got in the habit of setting my paragraph position as 1/8" into the label; fooling with the template specs didn't do the job.

I've occasionally found problems with the labels but they are minor. For small labels, like return-address labels, the print V. Pitch may be a little off so the labels creep up or down a little as you go down the page.

There used to be a problem with multi-column labels but they seem to have redone the label specification to correct that. When creating labels, there is "Format" tab that lets you adjust the label properties. In its new incarnation, it is easy to use and gives you exactly what you need to adjust the properties of incorrectly specified common label formats down to 1/100 of an inch.

You can specify the top margin, label height and vertical pitch (the last two may be different if there is space between the labels) and do the same for the left margin, label width and horizontal pitch. They also allow you to specify the page size and the number of rows and columns.

If you think a label isn't defined correctly, fix it. Also, file a bug report so that the developers can fix it for everyone. It's better to light a candle or two than to curse the darkness.

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