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On Sat, 6 Feb 2016 13:16:08 -0700
Ken Springer <> wrote:

Printing is off the mark vertically by about an eighth of an inch 
vertically, lower on the page than correct.

Labels print fine on Avery 8160.

No adjustments of any kind to the template was made.


Hi Ken,
Need more information:
   What kind/model label is printing wrong?
   What template is being used?
   What kind of printer?
   Where are printer metrics obtained from?

Thanks, Tom


Old people shouldn't eat health foods.  They need all the preservatives they
can get
  -  Robert Orben

^^  --...  ...--  / -.-  --.  --...  -.-.  ..-.  -.-.

Tom Taylor  KG7CFC
openSUSE 13.1 (64-bit), Kernel 3.11.6-4-default,
KDE 4.11.2, AMD A8-7600, GeForce GTX 740 T/PCIe/
16GB RAM -- 3x1.5TB sata2 -- 128GB-SSD
FF 25.0, claws-mail 3.10.1
registered linux user 263467

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