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On 2016-01-28 22:44, Gary Collins wrote:
Phil,you wrote:

Just observation - you believe in sky fairies ....
- Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, Paul Dirac, Antony Flew, all
believed in a God; as do Richard Swinburne, Francis Collins, William
Lane Craig, to name just a few.

you also wrote.....
Well if you weren't clueless (which is not consistent with you believing
in fairy stories) you would have realised by now that I don't have any
and that I don't approve of others proselytising on this list . .

I hope you would not refer to any of those I've listed above as 'clueless.'

Being very smart or even a genius does not mean you have any "common" (more like "uncommon") sense. However, WRT your first example, people like you always claim Albert Einstein as a "believer" but in fact he did not believe in one or other of the common sky fairies that you seem to think he did - you probably know that and are just being dishonest about your claims . .

Posts like yours could easily be seen as being offensive.

The OP's post was offensive to me and shouldn't have included the sermon that it did.

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794

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