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Am 30.03.2015 um 23:27 schrieb Eric:
I'm looking for really simple invoicing system. I've seen a few out
there that work on top of Calc but they are typically oriented towards
product based invoices versus service invoices (what I need).

I'm looking for a system that will do all the appropriate accounting for
invoices, tracking what's paid and not paid. I'm not interested in a
full-fledged bookkeeping system. I've been through three in the past two
years and finally my accountant told me I was never to touch a
bookkeeping system or even do my own bookkeeping because it's gonna cost
me more for him to untangle my mistakes that it will be for him to do it
for me (yes, I'm that bad at it).

An what makes you think that you are able to develop your own
bookkeeping system? That's what you would need to do in LibreOffice
since none of the components is made for this particular purpose nor any
other particular purpose.

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