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You must not copy any opened table or query. You copy and paste the _icon_ of
a query or table.

That's not what the three answers above said, nor indeed what is intuitive (to me), 
and  indeed cutting and pasting small amounts of data from the result set does 
work, which I would expect/hope for (without the "small"), but I'll give it a go...
Wow! *That* works really well. I'd say that it requires a very odd intuitive
leap, and I don't remember seeing it written in the docs anywhere, did I just miss it?

You can also link record sets to spreadsheet ranges and pivot tables which
gives quite a powerful "report engine".

Am I right this is only "almost great"? I don't see how to define a datasource,
it just seems to be picking up data from the last icon I dragged to the sheet.

[Tutorial] Using registered datasources in Calc

That is very good, thank you. I must remember to look in the OpenOffice areas
more often.

You do not tell us which database you are using (no, Base is _not_ a

With over thirty years of database coding and consulting I'm very well aware 
that Base isn't a database. In the previous thread I said, MariaDb (under

If it happens to be an embedded HSQLDB 

Yes, I saw this, but decided to ignore it. Given the trouble it causes, surely
it's not a good idea to recommend embedded HSQLDB for any purpose, is it?

Finally you can drag a record set from the data source window into a Writer
document and choose "Text" export. In that dialog you can concatenate the
wanted fields in one line with some delimiter between the fields. Then save
as plain text.

Wild! I don't see a text export though, other than saving the Writer file as
a text file.

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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