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Le 02/02/2015 12:34, Mark Stanton a écrit :
There seems to be no way to output *data* from Base, is that right?

Open a blank Calc document.
Create a query. Run it.
In the results window, select all or some of the records with the mouse
button :
- ALL : click on the upper left hand grey corner cell of the query
result window ;
- some : using Ctrl-click to click on the grey cells leftmost of the
query result window

Drag and drop the selected record rows to your Calc sheet.
Save sheet as CSV

If you are using embedded hsqldb, it should be possible to use a
statement run from Tools > SQL to export directly the query result to
CSV - see the hsqldb documentation for that. Indeed, the preview window
in the Tools > SQL dialog will show a preview (CSV from what I recall)
of the results.


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