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*Many thanks Dave, I'll similarly answer below*

On 27 January 2015 at 14:45, Dave Barton <> wrote:

My responses are given in-line with your original message.

-------- Original Message  --------
From: Philip Jordan <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:51:18 +0000

Sorry to interrupt, but I've no idea how this forum or whatever it is

This is a user support mailing list for LibreOffice.
For a definition of what an electronic mailing lists is see:

*Thanks & **Noted*

& similarly, I've no idea how to utilise i.e. actually set up LibreOffice
albeit that I've sent the following yesterday
We are all volunteers located in numerous time zones around the world.
Which means that it can take a little time for your fellow users to see
your request and reply if they think they can possibly assist.

*Much appreciated *

please I really do need your basic help e.g.

having downloaded OfficeLibre yesterday (sunday)
The software is called LibreOffice (Libre = freedom), not OfficeLibre
and you should only download from the official website:

*Yes that's where I got it from (must have got the order of title words
from elsewhere) *

I'm afraid I'm unable to make it work i.e.

on this Toshiba Laptop
via it's Windows 8.1 OS

e.g. there seems to be no installation wizard
       nor a suitable app
       & anyway I just got a message to say
       I could not install it* on this computer

* that's the app/icon, or do they mean the
  the whole OfficeLibre?!
Unfortunately, people are being indoctrinated into this "App" nonsense.
You download the installation file from the above link and install the
software as per the instructions shown here:

*Well that's what I did already & have now repeated*
*There's still no installation wizard*
*& I keep being told by windows to go to the app store*

*&/or there's no connectivity with app I've bought that's on my task bar*

*&/or I am back on another LibreOffice website being told to download*
*when I've already done this*

Once you have installed the software it will appear in your list of
available programs (What MS calls your Apps).

Well I can't  *Well I still can't*

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong
but I've already wasted several hours
& have bought an icon, as confirmed
by Microsoft in an email (I can't reply to)
This does not make sense. You should _NOT_ buy anything from anyone,
including Microsoft, in order to use LibreOffice.

Hope someone there can help please

Philip Jordan of Dorchester, Dorset UK
You also will find it very helpful to read the "Getting Started" and
"User" guides, available from:

*Thanks I'm just downloading the 4.2 one - all 13,238K of it*
*& will try to see if although it's 4.2 that it can help me?!*


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