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On 01/22/2015 11:03 AM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
I do not know if you can multi-boot two different versions of Ubuntu
based distro,  or so I was told a few years ago.
I'm pretty sure I have done so in the past, but not doing so now.

Wouldn't it be more convenient to install 13.10 in a VirtualBox? Then you could just open it when you need it instead of having to boot to a particular Ubuntu.
Reagrds,  Jim

Be nice to have 13.10 for my photo printing on my default photo printer
and 14.04LTS or newer for the rest of the work.

As someone told me - off list - CUPS should be installed with the
distro, but in my experience not all of the versions I have installed do
so until you need it for a "dependency" for a printer driver.

On 01/21/2015 01:19 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Ahh, mostly the Ubuntu's at work are 14.04.  So i might have a try at
a LiveUsb or multi-boot with an earlier version alongside the existing
set-ups or something.

Thanks Tim ! :)

Errr, i think the drivers and apps and such are still called CUPS but
i think the forums and websites retired didn't they?  Is there
somewhere such as LinuxPrinting.Org?  I might have to have more of a
look tomorrow or sometime.
Thanks so far and regards from
Tom :)

On 21 January 2015 at 13:37, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<> wrote:
On 01/21/2015 08:02 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I am just hoping some kind person will signpost me to the proper
forums so that they can help me with a couple of printing issues.  I
gather that CUPS is no longer used but i'm not sure and i don't know
what has replaced it.
I do not know what is the replacement to CUPS, since every drive I
use for
Ubuntu and Mint needs CUPS.  SO, I install in "manually" via the
package manager for the distro.  My default "printer" is the CUPS PDF
"system".  That way I have not accidental printing to any specialized
printer that I have on my network, which saves paper and ink.

At last my work-place has a couple of machines entirely using just
Kubuntu/Ubuntu and no Windows at all.

With Kubuntu LibreOffice couldn't open files on the file-server but i
fudged it by installing the whole Ubuntu DE (Unity DE and tweaks) and
now people have no problems using Kubuntu.  Printing to the
photocopier or the B&W laser printer is fine.

The only problem is trying to print to the colour printer, an Oki
C810, for which there seem to be hundreds of linux drivers but none of
them seem to work.  Actually i have only tried about a dozen drivers
but it's tricky to test them especially if my boss is around.
Which version are you using for Ubuntu-based OS?  I have some Canon
no longer work properly when Ubuntu 14.04 came out.  Needed
dependencies not
longer we supported by 14.04, but was supported by 13.10.

Also although the Kubuntu machines have no trouble printing to the B&W
photocopier but Ubuntu ones can't cope.  I have no idea how to find
the drivers on the Kubuntu machines and copy them onto the Ubuntu

Regards from
Tom :)

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