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On 13/01/15 11:03, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Sorry no-one was able to help with this! :(  Did you manage to figure
it out?  The official guides might be able to give you a better
over-view and maybe some idea of whether you are doing something wrong
or what is going on;

There is also an Faq, although again i haven't looked through to see
if there is something to help.
The charts section is at the end so just click on the
Table-of-Contents at the top to jump down the page faster.
Apols and regards from
Tom :)

On 11 January 2015 at 23:27, Budgie <> wrote:
Using Version: Build ID: 410m0(Build:2) on 64 bit openSUSE 13.1 with
KDE desktop.

I am trying to plot a chart of readings taken approximately every three
months over 4 years but with actual days on which reading were taken
recorded.  The plot is to have time on X-axis and readings on Y-axis.How can
I scale the X-axis?

There is no chart axis option in format menu before the chart has been
drawn.  If I start the chart wizard I cannot access any of the menu items
until wizard has finished.  Once a chart has been finished I can then use
format x axis scale etc.  I can select what I want, I think, but nothing on
the chart changes.  The plot points all lie in a heap and it seems like I
should re-plot with new axis scale set.

What am I doing wrong and how do I sort this out please?

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Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply. No joy so far. The problem is expanding the x axis which is using dates. It is set up for date format but I cannot find how to expand the scale. I have a screen shot which illustrates my problem. I shall try and attach it here. If there is another procedure for sending data please let me know.

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