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On 15/01/15 20:42, wrote:
Budgie wrote:
On 13/01/15 21:03, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 13.01.2015 um 13:00 schrieb Budgie:
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply.  No joy so far.  The problem is expanding the x
axis which is using dates.  It is set up for date format but I cannot
find how to expand the scale.  I have a screen shot which
illustrates my
problem.  I shall try and attach it here.  If there is another
for sending data please let me know.

1) menu:View>HighlightValues (Ctrl+F8
Are your dates and numbers highlighted in blue font now? If your dates
are black, then they are no dates at all.
2) Chart type needs to be "x/y-scatter". Line charts have no numeric
x-axis. They treat all values as literal text

Hi Andreas,
Yes the dates and values in sheet are all in blue.
I am using x/y-scatter type of chart.
Could the problem be that the dates of the readings are not at regular
intervals?  I have set the minimum and maximum for the x axis as
01/01/2009 and 31/12/2020 but whatever I do with the intervals the chart
stays the same size.
The interval controls the interval between the tick marks along the axis
(some or all of which are labelled, depending how close together they
are). The ticks will always be at regular intervals, even if the points
plotted on the graph are not. For dates it's not really possible to get
the ticks at exact monthly intervals due to the differing number of days
in each month. On one chart where I want them every 4 months, I have the
interval set 121.75 (= 365.25 * 4 / 12). The day of month at each tick
is not always the same (starting from 01/01/2009, the ticks are
sometimes on the 1st, sometimes the 2nd and sometimes 3rd of the month)
but it's good enough for my purpose.

(OT: How about crowd-funding a project to adjust the Earth's rotation
and/or orbit such that a year divides sensibly into months and days? A
few £gazillion ought to cover it? May also need to take out insurance
against crashing the Earth into the Sun...)

Do you mean you want to make the whole chart wider?
1. Click on a cell outside of the chart, to ensure the chart is not
2. Single-click on the chart.
3. There should be a small square at each corner and in the centre of
each edge of the chart's frame. You can click and drag those to resize
the frame, and the chart also scales with it.
4. Or, for more precise control of the size, right-click and select
"Position and Size" from the context menu, or go to Format menu >
Graphic > Position and Size.

If you want to change the size of the chart itself but not the frame
surrounding it (e.g. to make expand the chart into empty space within
the frame):
1. Double-click on the chart to start editing it.
2. Click on a blank area of the chart's background (i.e. within the area
of the axes, but not actually on either of the axes or lines).
3. There should now be a small square at each corner and in the centre
of each edge of the chart itself. You can click and drag those to resize
the chart.
4. Or, for more precise control of the size, right-click and select
"Position and Size" from the context menu, or go to Format menu >
Position and Size.

Hope that helps.

Hi Mark,
Now I am making progress and dragging does expand what I need. Many thanks. I had expected to be able to do it by scaling the axes but what I have now will serve.
One supplementary question.

At present the key for the various symbols used in the chart appears in the frame and when I expand the chart proper they get in the way. How may I move the key to below so it does not obscure the graph?
Thanks again,

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