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Some added thoughts with a fresh brain this morning:

1. I like the embedded help because it's quicker to use. Also, in good traditional fashion, I pretty much expect it to be updated more frequently than a printed manual, even if that manual is in electronic format.
2.  Once upon a time (remember I've been around since the days of 
Hollerith cards and paper tapes), there were two types of manuals: User 
Manuals and Reference Manuals.  The user manuals were more conceptual 
and tutorial, helping people learn how to use a program (yes, I still 
call them programs rather than apps -- apps are for mobile devices, 
which I don't use for computing; I still talk about directories instead 
of folders, too).  The reference manuals were just that -- details about 
the various commands, functions, subroutines, etc.  The reference manual 
aspect is what I really look for in the embedded help.  The user manual 
is what I tend to go to the PDF version to find.

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