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Le 18/01/2015 00:07, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :


I am curious why you are pushing the OpenOffice  forum rather than the LibreOffice Forum (access 
via Nabble or the other forum, http:// ; or ). 
Obviously you are a volunteer there but please remember we (TDF, the LibreOffice  project) don't  
advocate in any way  that users subscribe to the OpenOffice  forum hostee on OpenOffice. org

Quite simply because it is better, more complete, and more replete with
people knowledgable about how to use LibreOffice/AOO/NeoOffice and has
been for a very long time. That cumulative experience is a goldmine.

Much as I hate to say it, and despite my being a fairly frequent
contributor to the AskLO forum, I still regularly search for answers in,
and direct people to, the forum. That is not likely to
change in my opinion as long as I continue to be a user of LireOffice.


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