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At 07:21 06/12/2014 -0500, Tim Lungstrom wrote:
Yes, if you have deleted the MS Office package off the original computer, and put it on the new one, you should be able to use it that way. Transferring MS software over to a new system after you removed it for the old one should work. The only problem is the statements like the one I saw when I bought Win7 Pro. It was a "single system OEM version and cannot be transferred to a different system". It was less pricey than the "full version" that can be transferred to a new system when your old one breaks down. So it really depends which "style" Office install you buy.

I'm not an expert, but I believe not. As you say, the Windows operating system certainly works this way: a copy you purchase with a new computer cannot be transferred. But I don't think this generally applies to Microsoft's application software, such as Office.

Brian Barker

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