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At 08:46 13/09/2014 -0400, Jim Seymour wrote:
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 01:52:59 +0100 Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:53 07/09/2014 -0700, Jerry Noname wrote:
Is there a way to get Writer to preserve the tab indenting from the previous line on which I was typing?
I hope not. If you indent the first line of a paragraph using a tab 
character and you want this behaviour repeated, you would have tab 
characters at the beginning of every line. So far so (apparently) good.
What he wants is known in the Unix text editor as "auto-indent." It 
is *exceedingly* convenient. With AI on: Once you indent: All 
subsequent lines are automatically equally indented. You "undent" by 
either (repeatedly) keying the undent key or returning to command 
mode (vi is a modal editor) on a fresh line.
Of course! He needed auto-indenting, not the tab indenting he asked 
for. And I explained how that works in my original reply.
It may sound confusing to the uninitiated, but, to somebody experienced with the editor, it is very fast. As with nearly everything in vi: Ones fingers need never leave the keyboard. (Even with GUI re-implementations of the editor.) Some of us, and some time-and-motion experts, think the mouse was the worst thing ever invented ;)
Aha! You've (quite reasonably) snipped my answer to the original 
query. But did you not get that far?
I don't know as auto-indent would be all that handy, even if there was a dedicated toolbar button or hotkey to enable/disable it, ...
Er, there is.

... but there have been times *I* wished it had it, and certainly the behaviour is doable.
Not only doable - but done!

Instead of pressing the tab key, click the Increase Indent button in the Formatting toolbar. When you stop wanting the indent, click the Decrease Indent button. You can even create an outdent. This is even better than using the tab key, since you can use these buttons before you type the material, during typing, or even after you have completed typing. The tab technique presumably requires you to type the tab key before you start typing the paragraph.
Brian Barker  

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