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Hi :)
I think the easy answer is, put a tab (and the extra space?) in front of
the 1st line;
<tab> This is my first line of typing. <Press Enter>
<tab> Type another line. <Press Enter>
Now I want this line to begin at the same place as the previous line, at
the "T" in the word "Type".

This is not going against what Brian was saying, just cutting it down to
the specific use-case asked about.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 8 September 2014 04:53, Steve Edmonds <> wrote:

I too say it's not a stupid question. The behaviour you describe is
exactly the way my text editor performs when I am writing scripts, it is
quite normal in some situations. LO makes the process a little more
sophisticated and gives you many more options.

On 2014-09-08 14:47, wrote:

Thank you, Brian. I stand duly chastised. I'll try to not ask any more
stupid questions when I'm frustrated.

The solution to "getting all mixed up" is to learn how to use the
facilities properly, so you are not "mixed up" - not to dismiss the
facilities that the product provides.

No: you don't want any tabs (unless you are using a typewriter); you
want persistent indentations.

Brian Barker

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