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Cigydd wrote:
Other news.

Displaying the print dialog delays 1min 20s or 1min 40s when the
disconnected printer is set as default in the system and regardless of
what document is loaded. When PDF Creator is set as the default, the
print dialog displays without delay.

But opening the "bad" ODS files still lasts about 1min 5s. Even with
Avast installed.
It's however better than the initial state of loading each document
about 3 minutes.
Maybe Avast needed to be reinstalled...
So does somebody have an idea what's causing the remaining delay by
loading the ODS spreadsheets?
One of the files contains about 30 sheets, each of them 1-3 pages long.
But it can't be the cause because the other file contains only 1 sheet
with 4 rows.

I think the last-used printer settings are saved within the file. For new files, or where the printer saved in the file isn't installed, I expect LO would use the default (PDF Creator in your case). If the last-used printer saved in the file is installed, but not currently reachable (from other posts, it looks like you're using networked printers?), there may be a delay while attempting to connect to that printer. I've seen this kind of delay with other software, not just LO, when an installed printer isn't available.

Depending how much you're going to be re-opening the file in between printing, it might be worth making sure it's saved with an always-available printer (e.g. PDF Creator) as the last-used printer:
- Open the file (may have to put up with the delay this once...)
- File > Print
- Select PDFCreator
- Click OK
- Cancel in PDFCreator (unless you want a PDF copy right now)
- Type a character and delete it again (so that the file is modified)
- Save the file
Next time you open the file or go to print it, the printer will be set to PDFCreator so avoids the delay. Of course, if you switch the printer on and print to it, the last-used printer will be set to that, so you might get the delay again next time if the printer is switched off - unless you either close the file without saving or do another dummy print to PDFCreator after printing it.


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