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Thank you for your response, Cley.
OK, I disabled Avast completely (just only didn't uninstall it, only 
disabled it) and even rebooted "for the change to take effect".
Oops, the problem presists even with the antivirus disabled.

The other cause that was mentioned in the posts I found was a 
disconnected printer.
LibreOffice checks the printers to get their properties upon document 
load and when a printer is disconnected and it can't contact it, it 
waits several minutes if the printer occasionally connects.
I also remember there was written that that software that waits isn't 
LibreOffice itself but the Windows printing spooler.
So is there any solution to my problem except having the two computers 
which share that two disconnected printers always turned on or switching 
them on each time I need to work with LibreOffice on the third computer 
(which is a notebook)?
I know, this sounds crazy but this is Microsoft.

I have a chance to reboot to Linux Mint on my notebook so it could be a 
workaround for me but I'm trying to get a solution also for the others 
who may face such a problem.

So what else may be the actual cause of the delay? Is it the Windows 
printing spooler?

Cigydd Bach 
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